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Opportunities & Funding Mechanisms in European Union

The European Commission co-finances and also directly organises campaigns and events to promote EU farm products worldwide. This is carried out under the slogan “Enjoy, it’s from Europe”, which aims to raise awareness of the efforts made by European farmers to produce quality products. These promotional activities help boost their profile on EU and international markets, in line with EU promotion policy

The EU's promotion policy helps EU producers to sell their farm products in an increasingly competitive global marketplace, while delivering jobs and growth at home.

Promotion campaigns about EU farm products are designed to open up new market opportunities for EU farmers and the wider food industry, as well as helping them build their existing business.

There are two kinds of promotion action:

  • those run by European trade or inter-trade associations and co-financed by the EU;

  • those run directly by the EU itself, such as diplomatic offensives by the Commissioner in non-EU countries to develop agri-food trade, or participation in fairs and communication campaigns​.

Promotion policy rules set out how EU funding can be used for information and promotion initiatives in both EU countries and countries outside the EU.

The Commission allocated €185.9 million in 2023 to fund promotion activities for sustainable and high quality EU agri-food products in the EU and worldwide. The Commission adopted the 2023 promotion policy work programme which contributes to the realisation of the political priorities of the European Commission for 2019-24, in particular the Farm to Fork strategy.

The promotion projects selected in 2023 are expected to highlight and favour products complying with objectives such as:

  • encouraging sustainable practices in EU agriculture

  • advancing animal welfare

  • promoting the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, and healthy as well as sustainable diets.

At this link, public can consult the calls for proposals on the Funding and tenders portal

Search Funding & Tenders (

The amounts available for campaigns selected in 2023 are almost equally split between promotion in the EU internal market and in third countries, with €83.3 million and €83.1 million respectively.

Outside the EU, countries and regions with high growth potential are identified as main promotion targets. This includes China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, North America. New Zealand and Australia may also represent new market opportunities for European exporters. Last but not least, the United Kingdom remains one of the main export markets for EU agri-food products, absorbing 25% of EU27 exports.

Selected campaigns will inform EU and global consumers of the various EU quality schemes and labels such as geographical indications or organic products. The latter category will benefit from allocated funding of up to €28 million to stimulate demand for organic products, in line with the action plan for organic production. An additional €36 million will support the promotion of sustainable agriculture practices beneficial for the climate, the environment and animal welfare by the European consumers and the consumption of sustainably produced agri-food products.

To encourage healthier and balanced diets, more than €19 million will be specifically earmarked for the promotion of fresh fruit and vegetables to help the sector face persisting challenges such as declining consumption and exports and a weak bargaining position vis-à-vis large-scale retail and processors. In general, promotion activities aimed at consumers on the internal market should refer to and be in line with dietary guidelines of the targeted Member State(s).

The calls for proposals for 2023 campaigns were published in January 2023 by the European Research Executive Agency. A wide range of bodies, such as trade organisations, producer organisations and agri-food groups responsible for promotion activities are eligible to apply for funding and submit their proposals. So-called ‘simple' programmes can be submitted by one or more organisations from the same EU country. ‘Multi' programmes come from at least two national organisations from at least two Member States, or from one or more European organisations.

Promotion campaigns about EU farm products are designed to open up new market opportunities for EU farmers and the wider food industry, as well as helping them build their existing business. In addition to increasing sustainable production and consumption of agricultural products, promotion policy also supports the sustainable recovery of the EU agri-food sector in a challenging economic context.


The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is the funding instrument of the second pillar of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). It aims to reinforce the 'first pillar' of income supports and market measures by strengthening the social, environmental and economic sustainability of rural areas.

The EAFRD budget for 2021-27 amounts to EUR 95.5 billion, which includes an injection of  EUR 8.1 billion from the next generation EU recovery instrument to help address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The rules for rural development spending during 2021-22 are laid out in the CAP transitional regulation, adopted on 23 December 2020. The regulation largely extends the existing rules (initially in place for the 2014-20 period), with some additional elements to ensure a smooth transition to the new CAP, which is due to begin in 2023.

From 2023 onwards, rural development actions will be included under the framework of national CAP strategic plans . Each EU country will design a CAP Strategic Plan, combining funding for income support, rural development, and market measures. When designing their strategic plans, EU countries will contribute to the nine specific objectives through a toolbox of broad policy measures provided by the Commission, which can be shaped around national needs and capabilities. Within this framework, the Commission aims to make rural development actions more responsive to current and future challenges such as climate change and generational renewal, while continuing to support European farmers in a sustainable and competitive agricultural sector.

Through financial instruments, the EAFRD acts as a source for loans, microcredit, guarantees and equities, available to recipients in agriculture, forestry and rural areas who are undertaking financially viable projects that support the priorities of the EAFRD.

Financial instruments are expected to support the agriculture and agri-food sectors to make the progress needed for the European Green Deal and to achieve ambitious targets in line with the new Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies. They can also contribute to the new long-term vision for rural areas through helping rural non-agricultural SMEs start or develop their activities.

The recent fi-compass study reports on the financing needs of the agriculture and agri-food sectors in 24 Member States highlight the potential to use EAFRD resources to meet the financing gap and are a good starting point for any Member State willing to set up a new financial instrument in the 2021-2027 period.

The CAP Strategic Plan regulation (EU) 2021/2115, together with the CAP Horizontal regulation (EU) 2021/2116 as well as the Common Provision regulation (EU) 2021/1060, create the legislative framework for financial instruments implemented with EAFRD resources. A number of flexibilities have been introduced compared to the previous programming period, allowing the financing of stand-alone working capital, broader eligibilities on investments, and different possibilities to combine grants and financial instruments support, such as capital rebates, interest rate and guarantee fee subsidies, as well as technical support for the benefit of the final recipients.

more info at: The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development | fi-compass



Since 2006, the European Union, through the European Commission (EC), has collaborated with IFAD in financing a series of thematic and country programmes. This relatively recent partnership has grown in multiple and interesting directions, both in terms of funds invested, and the spread of programmes that benefit from that investment.

The partnership is set with the framework of the Financial and Administrative Framework Agreement (FAFA) signed by the European Commission and IFAD in September 2004. Since then, the EU has provided more than EUR500 million in financing to IFAD. A relationship of trust, rigour and shared vision has evolved. Through our partnership, we aim to test new ground in the development arena, and expand into innovative, often cutting edge areas that have the potential to change the future of development.  Over the last seven years, IFAD and the EU have joined forces in emerging areas of mutual and strategic interest: pro-poor agricultural research, remittances for development, support to farmer organization networks, public-private sector partnerships and agricultural risk management.

Working together, IFAD and EU are driving innovation in these areas, and have developed new approaches which are now recognised as critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

More info at: European Union (


Opportunities and Funding Mechanisms in Spain

Fund of Funds Agri Andalucia - Spain

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Junta de Andalucía have joined forces to support and promote the development of Andalusia's agricultural sector. The EU bank manages on behalf of Junta de Andalucía a guarantee fund of up to €50 million with the goal of providing financing of up to €250 million.

The fund helps to preserve and create jobs in two sectors – agriculture and agrifood –, which together generate more than 34% of employment in Andalucía where over 30% of the population live in rural areas.

The Fund of Funds Agri Andalucía is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and Junta de Andalucía.

More info at:


The Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation (PERTE)

The Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation (PERTE) of the agro-food industry will support its sustainable economic growth, digitizing and territorial cohesion.

This PERTE is allocated to the agro-food chain, along with other measures such as the CAP Strategic Plan and the Recovery Plan, to grant it the financing and tools necessary to address the environmental, digital, social and economic challenges of the next decade.

With a contribution which amounts to 10% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the food and agriculture sector, the PERTE will have a minimum impact of €3 billion in national accounts, and also create and estimated of up to net 16,000 jobs.





Opportunities and Funding Mechanisms in Italy

Programma di Sviluppo Rurale Nazionale (PSRN)

PSRN or the Rural National Development Program (Programma di Sviluppo Rurale Nazionale), is a national funding mechanism that aims to support rural development and agriculture in Italy. The program is co-funded by the European Union and the Italian government.

The PSRN provides financial support to agripreneurs and farmers in Italy for a wide range of activities, including:

· Improving farm competitiveness: Providing funding for investments in modern and efficient agricultural technologies, equipment, and practices. This helps agripreneurs and farmers to increase their productivity, reduce their costs, and improve the quality of their products.

· Protecting the environment: Supporting environmental protection initiatives, including the conservation of natural resources, the promotion of sustainable agriculture practices, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

· Developing rural areas: Providing funding for the development of rural areas, including investments in infrastructure, tourism, and local food products. This helps to create new economic opportunities and improve the quality of life for rural communities.

· Promoting innovation: Supporting research and innovation in agriculture, providing funding for the development and implementation of new technologies and practices that can improve the efficiency and sustainability of agriculture.

Agripreneurs and farmers in Italy can apply for funding through the PSRN by submitting a project proposal to the relevant regional authority. The PSRN provides a range of financial instruments, including grants, loans, and guarantees, to support eligible projects.

More info at:


Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)

CDP (Cassa Depositi e Prestiti) is an Italian state-owned financial institution that provides financial support to various sectors in Italy, including agriculture. CDP offers a range of financial instruments to support the development and growth of businesses in the agriculture sector, including agripreneurs and farmers.

CDP offers financing through various channels, including direct lending, public-private partnerships, and co-investments. The institution offers credit lines for different stages of agricultural activity from production to processing and commercialisation. They also provide support for rural development projects aimed at creating new jobs and promoting sustainable agriculture.

In addition to financing, CDP offers advisory and technical assistance services to agripreneurs and farmers, including project evaluation and risk assessment, as well as support for feasibility studies and business planning.

CDP works in collaboration with other institutions and entities to support the agricultural sector in Italy. For example, CDP has partnered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry to promote the development of the agri-food industry and provide financing for rural areas.

All in all, CDP can be a valuable funding mechanism for agripreneurs and farmers in Italy who are looking to finance their business projects and expand their operations. CDP offers a range of financing and support services, as well as partnerships with other institutions, to help entrepreneurs and farmers access the resources they need to grow their businesses.

More info at:



Opportunities and Funding Mechanisms in Greece

Agricultural Development Program (RAP) or (RDP)

The RAP 2014-2020 (Rural Development Program) is a foundation program funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Greek Government. The program aims to support sustainable development in rural areas of Greece by providing funding for a range of activities related to agriculture, forestry, and rural tourism.

The RAP 2014-2020 program is implemented by the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food, in collaboration with regional authorities and local communities. The program is divided into four main axes, each focusing on a specific area of rural development:

1. Improving competitiveness: This axis aims to support agricultural businesses and increase their competitiveness through investments in modernization, innovation, and quality assurance.

2. Preserving the environment and promoting biodiversity: This axis focuses on protecting and preserving the environment, including investments in organic farming, water management, and biodiversity conservation.

3. Enhancing the quality of life and promoting social inclusion: This axis aims to improve the quality of life in rural areas and promote social inclusion through investments in rural tourism, cultural heritage, and social services.

4. Local development and LEADER approach: This axis focuses on supporting local development initiatives and implementing the LEADER (Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale) approach, which is a bottom-up approach to rural development that involves local communities in decision-making and project implementation.

The RAP 2014-2020 program provides funding in the form of grants and subsidies to eligible applicants, including farmers, agri-food businesses, local authorities, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The program also offers technical assistance and training to help applicants develop and implement their projects.

Overall, the RAP 2014-2020 program is an important funding mechanism for rural development in Greece, providing support for a wide range of activities that contribute to the sustainability and growth of rural areas in the country.

More info at:  and


Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF)

The Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) is a European Union (EU) funding mechanism that was created in response to the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Greece is one of the EU member states that is eligible to receive funding through the RRF, which is intended to support the country's recovery and resilience efforts in various sectors, including agriculture.

The RRF funding for agriculture in Greece is expected to support a range of initiatives and projects aimed at enhancing the sector's sustainability, competitiveness, and resilience. The funds will be used to support the adoption of innovative farming practices and technologies, improve supply chains and logistics, and promote rural development and entrepreneurship.

Specifically, the RRF funding for agriculture in Greece will support initiatives in the following areas:

1. Sustainable farming practices: The funds will be used to support the adoption of sustainable farming practices, such as precision agriculture, organic farming, and agroforestry.

2. Climate change mitigation and adaptation: The funds will support initiatives aimed at reducing the impact of climate change on agriculture, such as improving water management and soil conservation.

3. Digitalization: The funds will be used to support the adoption of digital technologies in agriculture, such as smart farming systems, e-commerce platforms, and data analytics.

4. Rural development and entrepreneurship: The funds will support initiatives aimed at promoting rural development and entrepreneurship, such as the development of agri-food clusters, training and education programs for farmers and rural entrepreneurs, and the promotion of rural tourism.

Overall, the RRF funding for agriculture in Greece is expected to play a key role in supporting the country's economic recovery and resilience efforts in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in promoting sustainable and resilient agriculture in the country.

More info at:


Opportunities and Funding Mechanisms in Türkiye

Programme for Supporting Rural Development Investments (KKYDP)

The Programme for Supporting Rural Development Investments, which first started in 2005-2006 in 16 provinces, has been implemented throughout the country since 2006.

The Programme for Supporting Rural Development Investments is a programme that provides grant support for supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in order to ensure economic and social development in rural areas by considering natural resources, to develop agricultural and non-agricultural employment, to increase and diversify incomes, to improve agricultural marketing infrastructure, to ensure retrospective traceability, to create alternative sources of income in rural areas, to strengthen food safety, to support investments involving new technology in order to increase agricultural activities, to expand the use of new technologies by producers, to increase the effectiveness of rural development activities being carried out.

Within the scope of KKYDP, within the period determined by the communiqué issued every year, 50% of the grant-based project amount in economic investment projects and 75% of the grant-based project amount in collective pressurised irrigation projects are given as grants to projects for the processing, storage and packaging of agricultural products and projects for the support of machinery and equipment purchases and the dissemination of the use of new technologies by producers.

Real and legal persons registered in the Ministry system, agricultural cooperatives and unions; producer unions / economic entities established according to the Law No. 5200 on Agricultural Producer Unions can apply for these projects.

Applications are made through the electronic environment provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.



Expert Hands in Rural Development Project

Implemented since 2020, the Expert Hands in Rural Development Project is a project that provides grant support for sustainable investments that will set an example and leadership for enterprises engaged in agricultural production in rural areas. The aim of the project is to support the entrepreneurship and employment of the young population living or committed to live in rural areas, graduated from agriculture-related faculties, colleges, high schools and equivalent schools in the sectors of plant production, animal husbandry, food and aquaculture, and to increase the quantity, quality and efficiency of agricultural production by encouraging agricultural activities to be carried out by trained people.

Graduates of faculties and vocational colleges of universities providing education in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, food and aquaculture, and high schools and equivalent schools providing education in the fields of agriculture, animal breeding and health, laboratory services and food technology affiliated to the Ministry of National Education can apply for grant support within the scope of the project.

Applications are made online by logging in with the e-government password via the internet address managed by the Ministry and uploading the information and documents specified in the Communiqué and Current Application Guide to the system. Detailed information about the project can be obtained from Provincial and District Directorates of Agriculture and Forestry.



EU Grant Supports Under IPARD

The Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (TKDK), which was established in 2007 in order to ensure that the resources provided by the European Union (EU) and international organisations are used in rural development activities, makes the funds given to our country within the framework of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Rural Development Programme (IPARD) by the European Union available as grants to projects for animal husbandry activities, processing and packaging of agricultural products, medicinal aromatic plant cultivation, handicrafts and rural tourism, renewable energy, machinery parks and many other fields. IPARD aims to modernise existing enterprises, establish enterprises at EU standards and prevent rural-urban migration.

TKDK makes calls on its website throughout the year and these calls include the sectors to be granted, application conditions and project application dates. Potential investors are informed through information meetings organised and TKDK Provincial Coordinatorships. Information can also be obtained through the TKDK Help Desk line at 444 85 35. While grant payments are made after the completion of the investment, enterprises are monitored for 5 years for the sustainability of the projects.



Agricultural Basins Production and Support Model

It covers the necessary work for the planning of agricultural products and production for the development of agricultural policies related to agricultural basins.

With the Agricultural Basins Production and Support Model:

a) An agricultural inventory including climate, soil, topography, land classification, data provided from information systems, product and production information, consumption, foreign trade data and other data related to agriculture is created. The relevant database shall be regularly updated and used in the operation of the model.

b) The agricultural basins determined by taking into account the data in the agricultural inventory, GIS analyses, expert opinions and administrative structuring can be recreated in the same way if necessary.

c) With demand forecasting, production, consumption, foreign trade, prices, population, national income and other relevant data are used to make product and production forecasts for the coming years.

ç) With the Decision Support System, in order to increase total welfare, prices, support budget, demand estimation, production potential of basins, foreign trade and other relevant data are used to determine which products, in which basins and in which quantities are the most appropriate to be produced and information is produced to help decision makers to support them.

The predictions made by the model are utilised in deciding on the area, amount and means of support. Products in local areas specific to the basin that cannot be determined by the model are also taken into consideration in support.

The model is harmonised with the existing practices in the European Union.

Farmers who wish to benefit must be registered in the Farmer Registration System of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


KOSGEB Services and Supports

Entrepreneurship Supports:

Traditional Entrepreneur Support Programme: The aim of this support programme is to increase the survival rate of new businesses established by entrepreneurs.

Enterprises established by entrepreneurs who have completed the Traditional Entrepreneur Training can apply to this programme. Max. total support amount: 65,000 TL


Advanced Entrepreneur Support Programme: The purpose of this support programme is to increase the survival rate of new enterprises established by entrepreneurs in the sectors determined in line with the strategic priorities of our country.

Businesses established by entrepreneurs who have completed the Advanced Entrepreneur Training and operating in the subjects specified in the Advanced Entrepreneur Programme Activity Subjects Table determined by KOSGEB can apply to this programme.  Max. total support amount: 375,000 TL


Business Plan Award Support Programme: The aim of this support programme is to encourage entrepreneurs to establish and run a business in cooperation with the actors in the entrepreneurship ecosystem by rewarding business plans/business models/business ideas that are found successful as a result of competitions on entrepreneurship.


Support for Enterprise Development, Growth and Internationalisation


SME Energy Efficiency Support Programme: Determining the current situation of small and medium-sized enterprises on energy efficiency, identifying their problems and needs, creating the necessary strategies in this regard, developing their capacities in line with these strategies and meeting their priority needs.


Enterprise Development Support Programme: Increasing the competitiveness, institutionalisation-branding levels and shares of small and medium-sized enterprises in the economy, improving their capacities and meeting their priority needs. Max. total support amount: 1,960,000 TL


Cooperation Support Programme: To contribute to the development of a culture of co-operation between small and medium-sized enterprises with each other or with large enterprises and to establish collaborations that provide mutual benefit and competitive advantage. Max. total support amount: 10,000,000 TL


KOBİGEL - SME Development Support Programme: In line with the national and international targets of the country, increasing the share and efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises in the economy.   Supporting the projects to be prepared by SMEs in order to increase their competitiveness and the added value they provide. Max. total support amount: 2,000,000 TL


Overseas Accelerator Support Programme: Supporting the participation of technological products, whose R&D and innovation activities are carried out in our country, in international accelerator programmes in order to take place in international markets, to take place in developed entrepreneurship ecosystems of domestic technology-intensive start-up enterprises and to increase exports.

In order to facilitate the entry of enterprises into international markets, support is provided for their participation in the accelerator programme to be held abroad, which provides technical, managerial, legal and access to professional networks that will provide sales opportunities in the target country, within the scope of an organisation or individually. Max. total support amount 50,000 $


Foreign Market Support Programme: To improve the skills and capabilities of SMEs to open up to foreign markets,

To increase the foreign market shares of SMEs,

To turn SMEs into actors of international competition,

Increasing the number of SMEs starting to export,

To increase the number of SMEs starting e-commerce.

Max. total support amount: 300,000 TL


Living Cultural Heritage Enterprises Support Programme: To ensure the survival and transfer of this accumulation to future generations by strengthening the enterprises operating in traditional, cultural, artistic and artistic professions that require mastery / craftsmanship skills, which are carried out within the framework of the master-apprentice relationship in order to transfer the values, philosophy and subtleties of the original, performed profession to future generations as an element of cultural heritage. Max. total support amount: 250,000 TL


SME Financing Supports

SME Financing Support Programme: Providing financial support to SMEs under favourable conditions to solve their financing problems, increase their production, quality and standards, create employment and enable them to compete at international level. Max. total support amount: 2,500,000 TL


Vegetable and Fruit Cold Chain Financial Leasing Support Programme: The purpose of this support programme is to contribute to the financial leasing interest/profit share costs of small and medium-sized enterprises for their domestic-made and new cold air unit and/or refrigerated crate/unit investments to be provided by financial leasing method in the process of creating a cold chain to reduce the loss of vegetables and fruits. Max. total support amount: 750,000 TL



TEKMER Support Programme

The aim of this support programme is to ensure the establishment and operation of structures that will provide pre-incubation, incubation and post-incubation services to ensure the establishment and sustainability of enterprises in the field of R&D, innovation and technological entrepreneurship in line with national plans and programmes in cooperation with the actors in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Max. total support amount: 6,000,000 TL


İŞGEM/TEKMER Programme: The aim of the support programme is to provide support for the establishment and operation of structures that will provide incubation services to ensure the establishment and sustainability of enterprises in line with national plans and programmes in cooperation with the actors in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Max. total support amount: 3,800,000 TL


  1. Rapid Support Programme for Micro and Small Enterprises

To ensure that micro and small enterprises in manufacturing and its complementary priority sectors, as well as in some service and trade sectors where the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are relatively high, continue their activities and employ new staff while maintaining their average employment levels in the past period.


Development Agencies’ Supports

The national coordination of development agencies operating in 26 NUTS II regions across Türkiye is carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Technology. Development agencies, which are the main local institutional actors in the governance of regional development, were established within the framework of Presidential Decree No. 4 to accelerate regional development, ensure the sustainability of development, and reduce inter-regional and intra-regional development disparities in line with the policies determined by the President by improving cooperation between the public sector, private sector and non-governmental organisations, ensuring the appropriate and effective use of resources and mobilising local potential. There are a total of 26 development agencies in Türkiye. Entrepreneurs can access current grant supports from the website of the development agency in which their province is included:

1. Ahiler Development Agency, Aksaray-Kırıkkale-Kırşehir-Niğde-Nevşehir:

2. Ankara Development Agency, Ankara:

3. Western Mediterranean Development Agency, Antalya-Burdur-Isparta:

4. Western Black Sea Development Agency, Bartın-Karabük-Zonguldak:

5. Bursa, Eskişehir, Bilecik Development Agency:

6. Cukurova Development Agency, Adana-Mersin:

7. Dicle Development Agency, Batman-Mardin-Şırnak-Siirt:

8. Eastern Mediterranean Development Agency, Hatay-Kahramanmaraş-Osmaniye:

9. Eastern Anatolia Development Agency, Bitlis-Hakkari-Muş-Van:

10.Eastern Black Sea Dev. Agency, Artvin-Giresun-Gümüşhane-Ordu-Rize-Trabzon:

11. Eastern Marmara Development Agency, Bolu-Düzce-Kocaeli-Sakarya-Yalova:

12. Fırat Development Agency, Bingöl-Elazığ-Malatya-Tunceli:

13. South Aegean Development Agency, Aydın-Denizli-Muğla:

14. South Marmara Development Agency, Balıkesir-Çanakkale:

15. Silk Road Development Agency, Adıyaman-Gaziantep-Kilis:

16. Istanbul Development Agency, Istanbul:

17. Izmir Development Agency, Izmir:

18. Karacadağ Development Agency, Diyarbakır-Şanlıurfa:

19. Northern Anatolia Development Agency, Çankırı-Kastamonu-Sinop:

20. Northeast Anatolia Development Agency, Bayburt-Erzincan-Erzurum:

21. Mevlana Development Agency, Karaman-Konya:

22. Central Anatolia Development Agency, Kayseri-Sivas-Yozgat:

23. Central Black Sea Development Agency, Amasya-Çorum-Samsun-Tokat:

24. Serhat Development Agency, Ağrı-Ardahan-Iğdır-Kars:

25. Trakya Development Agency, Edirne-Kırklareli-Tekirdağ:

26. Zafer Development Agency, Afyon-Kütahya-Manisa-Uşak:


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Erasmus+ KA2: Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education - Project n. 2020-1-TR01-KA204-094469

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